I improved my rating for you guys, the PC version was better for sure. Few suggestions:
1) Make the tips on the casette player (right side) pop out more, so people notice them. When I got to the end, I was wondering what is happening, until I read them on the side :D
2) Jumping is a bit weird, once I got the hang of it, it was alright, but for sure could frustrate and make a lot of people quit thinking that it does not work. I realised that you have to take the movement button away, press space and then move for it to be able to work. Not sure if this was meant for the game, but I would think about changing this.
3) One enemy was inside the floor on the end of the map.
4) The animation does not really work if you're looking toward left with your gun, the guns position is way off (more of an aesthetic problem though) But one real problem was aiming upper corner maybe add that pressing Q/E will put the weapon towards there if you're looking at that way.
Otherwise good idea and I would definitely love to play more levels and find more guns to use/etc, I liked the powerups too, but there should be better explanation what they do, still not sure what the bullet things did, one I realised was slowed time, which was actually quite well done, you could go close to an enemy and empty your clip and then watch the bullets fly (Really liked that), one was some kind of rewind, if you died.