Yup yup, this is the puzzle I meant. The weird thing is that I thought about doing that and I kept doing it many times, but I don't have enough time to make it to the door. Not even close, unfortunately :/ It would be impossible to make it past the 2nd hazard and I'd always end up about midway in between both hazards, with a lot of ground left to cover. I took the absolute shortest path possible, too. I would be sticking as close to the wall as possible, without wasting any time slamming into walls. I was thinking maybe it had something to do with the FPS and scaling of the level in regards to the monitor used, but I may be wrong. My character would sometimes gain a burst of speed, out of nowhere, and I thought maybe that would be the "normal" speed for other players. I noticed that sometimes the switch would activate and it wouldn't, so that's what got me thinking it may be that. But again, I could be wrong :/