Hey Shark,
Sorry to hear that, but thank you for the update! Can you tell me if there's any form of information in your log file (install location\www\log.txt) if you have it occur and then exit the game?
Here's the situation: the main menu doesn't use the same input system as the rest of the game for reasons that are valid, but a bit in depth. What's occurring is that there appears to be fringe cases where the input is grabbed, but isn't properly handed off to the menu. It takes 10 or so seconds for this hand off to fail, and that's when it will allow you to try it again. I haven't been able to figure out what causes the hand off to fail, however, as it seems to be tied to hardware in some odd way.
I don't want you to think that I'm blowing you off, as I'm 100% dedicated to getting that bug squashed, just balancing between trying to recreate that bug, working on the weekly stuff, and the behind the scenes stuff. I've been in touch with a few folks trying to figure out exactly what the issue is. It's a very strange bug, and I'm happy to tell you that it's given some incredibly gifted programmers some head scratches!
But yes, if it's printed anything into that log file after the bug occurs (the log is cleared every time you launch the game), please do let me know!
Also, out of curiosity, does it occur when equipping gear or just for consumables? I've only ever seen it impact consumables myself, hence my asking.