Hey all,
If you run across any issues during your playtime with Ephemeral Tale, please feel free to post them in this thread and see if they've already been addressed or are on the bug watch list. Really, report them in whatever fashion is most convenient for you: Twitter, email, here-- whatever works.
As I am just one guy, I would ask that you have patience in regards to any bugs that you do encounter or come across. Finding, recreating, and solving these bugs is a time consuming process. With that said, here is the "bug watch list":
- COSMETIC ONLY - Opening the save menu and then backing out to the main menu can sometimes cause the main menu to open with the save menu’s backdrop
- On certain machines, the screen can appear "zoomed in" in specific areas (like the Forgotten Forest). This can be worked around by setting the Visual Filters option to OFF, and restarting the game.
- The name input screen can get a lil weird if you input a name like "MMMMMMM"
- Save files can report inaccurate play times under certain circumstances [Solution being worked on]
- Using consumable items can intermittently enter a state where the confirm button becomes unresponsive [Investigating]
Anything tagged "Cosmetic Only" means that the bug is purely visual, and that no save data/game state/etc has been impacted by these.
Performance related bugs (like the last one on the list) are currently being investigated, with a patch planned for the future. I'm not comfortable committing yet to a time frame on that, as we want to ensure that we do it properly.