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Wow this was a lot for one weekend! So I really like that it fits the theme on two fronts: You have to control the infection from spreading and you have to control your units. I found it really hard though, especially since it seems very death-spirally (Though that fits the mechanic I spose). The micromanagement was also pretty intense but I think my colourblindness+tiredness didn't help with the scanning across the map efficiently. Overal though this is a seriously good entry with a solid idea and execution (Especially for the massive scope of RTS mechanics!) So congrats!


Thank you! We are happy that you liked it! The balancing is indeed out of shape, sadly we spent too much time trying to get my PC to run 6000 zombies at 60fps (this code is a mess, oh my) and we slept... That was a mistake...

Anyways, we plan to give it a proper balancing run now, with a tiny hope for a proper remake/cleanup, so you can check back in a while  ;)
Alternatively I've been persuaded that we should have a discord, so here it is:

Additionally I will try to find some colourblindness filters, we have a lot of colors that have meaning and also ones that don't, so I can see why this could be a serious problem!

Hahaha such bravery- I commend thee! 

I'm not much of a Discord user so will pass and just check back- but ty for looking into balencing and colorblind options!