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A member registered Apr 04, 2015 · View creator page →

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Checkpoints would have been a nice add! That idea hadn't crossed out minds. As mentioned we kinda ran out of time for balencing, the first zone especially could really make the game more playable (actually give you a fair start). Thank you for your thoughts, glad you enjoyed 

Haha yeah that's a fair critique, we scoped a little too much for our team size and ended up running out of time to actually balance the gameplay. This lead to the really punishing start where you can get bottle necked in. Sorry about the bug too (that was caught post submission)
Thank you for your constructive feedback, I am glad you enjoyed your time and can totally relate it being too hard

I too was not smart enough, but that is a fun little puzzle game! Only wish is for a quick reset when I realised I messed up at the beginning before trying to menuver

I think I hit myself more than the enemy ':D Nice work with the chain physics!

I love the art style of this game! You've done a fantastic job! I think the controls were a little tricky to get the hang of but the game did a good sense of impending danger

I love the concept! and it's really well polished. I really didn't expect the enemies to swat my bullets back at me after I fired, really made me cautious about just leaving them lying around.

Solid job!

Man those purple ones were hard to shoot, I couldn't seem to get the hang of hitting both when they both come at you at once 

Thanks! Definitely had some inspiration come from that. Yeah we could've balenced and explained a little better but thanks for playing and for the feedback :)

Took a few tries but finally escaped! My final run the horse was pretty easy to find haha. Didn't see too much of a link to the theme but nice enough gameplay :)

Haha nice- thanks for the feedback!

Ahh thanks for the heads up- and thanks :)

This was perfectly themed. I lost control many many times hahaha And that frustration was so well framed amongst the horn toots and driver screams! Great sound bites and humour to the game. Needs a few physics tweaks but hey, this game is great!

This is definitely one of my favourites of the jam! Everything felt and played well and this design was original and theme fitting! Would love to oneday see a challenge mode where you get rated on how few commands you use or how many attempts it takes or how long the final run is! All in all awesome game and I hope to see it amongst the top for the jam :D

Cheers for the feedback- and hearing you had fun means a lot coming from your great submission!! Tysm :)

YEEES This was so fun and original!!! I had a blast and I loved the risk-reward gameplay so much! So much clever design in there! This is awesome!

Thanks for the feedback, fair point! Glad you had fun though :)

Similar to what everybody else is saying: I felt the artwork was incredible but the gameplay a little tricky- mostly just because it was hard to estimate depth. Felt the responsiveness and general movement feel was ok though. Overall awesome effort for the weekend!

Thanks for the feedback! You only get one gust of wind left and right for each snowball- to help lend to the "Out of Control" gameplay. However I feel we didn't telegraph this well- sorry! 

Real nice look and sounds- also big scope for a weekend!! I love the concept and enjoyed the initial placement of things but yeah, there were a few collision bugs that got annoying when moving the chest (As already mentioned anyway) Overall good game though! Kudos!

Haha thanks, same!

Okok props for the clever take on the theme haha that felt real punchy and fun! Just wish I was a better typist :P Congrats!

Haha yeah we started with waay bigger mountains but everything felt a little dwarfed in testing. Ahh well, glad you liked :)

This game was so juicy and punchy! I loved all the sounds and visual touches- even cooler that you made all that during the weekend! Fun game and fits the theme- nice job :D

Thanks! Happy to hear :D 

Hahaha I spent so long piling books to no avail haha! Eventually found a more lateral solution that sadly may have been spoiled by the comments so players- don't scroll down if you want to figure it out yourself! 

Really solid game- nice :D

Haha awesome! Glad you liked the feel! I really enjoyed your game too!

I had a really long day at work today and this 48 hour jam game actually helped me unwind so thankyou haha Awesome effort!

Thanks! Glad it fits that style :)

Simply Awesome! Such a twist on the formula

Props to you for ambition! Unfortunately I had an empty room but I love the concept :) How do you handle instruction conflict? Is that what the thought queue is for?

Thank you for the compliment! It's pretty amazing what audio adds to an experience

Thanks for giving it a play!

Haha I see the resemblence, this game looks hilarious

Man the juice on this game is brilliant! Congrats on making it feel so good every bounce. I think gameplay wise I felt a little too out of control. I got up to level 8 and I am fairly sure it would have got there with or without me. Maybe if you could choose when to place the balls it'd be a bit better, or you only have limited direction changes? In any case it looks stunning, would make for a brilliant background :D

Not really, do you have a link? The screams where of one of the team members families XD OurAudio guy, Wildbeast, did a fantastic job on the music and sfx, couldn't be happier with how it came out :D

(1 edit)

I really liked the slow build up to the point of impossibility, really captured the whole zombie feel in a nutshell of gameplay! I was having a blast on my last hold out atop a ramp as the hordes just kept coming, each step back would be a step never taken forward again.

Some more polish would go a long way to making it feel even more addictive :D

I love the concept! I feel like my experience was dampened a little by running into things that had been off screen when I switched out of drive mode and now was powerless to not run into, made it feel like a non-preventable death. But that could easily be fixed by growing the visible space or speeding up the rate of change.  I love the take on the theme though!

Glad to see someone who came up with a similar concept :D Certainly is nice to crash through a forrest! Might do with a bit more polish on the look though. I feel like you also suffered where we did with the, "Okay I have a ball which destroys things, now what?". I do love how many destructables you have!

Absolutely agree with Omega797, throw in some touch controls and you have a mobile game! 

Frantic fast paced fun! Only thing I would fix is some of those tree colliders, got me a few times with no physical collision.

Solid effort though, you should be proud!

Absolutely agree with Omega797, throw in some touch controls and you have a mobile game! 

Frantic fast paced fun! Only thing I would fix is some of those tree colliders, got me a few times with no physical collision.

Solid effort though, you should be proud!