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(1 edit) (+2)

I get that it is trying to simulate the unpredictable nature of Tourette, but for it to work as a game, it can't be completely random. There could've been a way to avoid mistakes or at least to recover from them. There were some funny lines, though.

The longer the answer the more stress it creates, more stress means more Tourette triggers. The goal of the game is to make the player a bit frustrated and to finally find a job. It is hard to repeat over and over the same interview and same question but we should have work on making the interview better and keep the "fun" frustration to encourage the player to keep going and find a job. Sadly we found that doing a text base game like that is not so easy in 48h when the content repeats a lot.


oooh ok, makes sense. I didn't get that when I played.
Props for tackling an original subject and experimenting, I think that is what jams are for.