I liked the idea of gliding and I really loved the way that you used it (to fly or to drop down). Was really interesting and reminded me of Ori and Will of The Wisps as it uses this mechanic heavily (and the previous one too).
The game however felt clunky since when I flew in some places I found myself teleporting to some areas. That was incredibly jarring.
The puzzle aspect was interesting but for me it felt more about just figuring where you are and flipping a switch -- I was expecting it to be more about figuring where you are based on landmarks. That said, due to perhaps a bug or something I got stuck the second time I tried the game with the second level (with 2 switches after you teleport) and I wasn't able to find the door as I kept teleporting to the same locations over and over again.
As you mentioned it doesn't feel completely "Out of Control"ish but it kinda fit it in some way.
Overall, lovely little game that might turn into a full thing with some work here and there.