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A very lovely little game about doing all kinds of weird stuff to keep your power plant going! I loved it :D My favourite part was brushing the hamster, because yaknow, it's a hamster! Anyway, if I would have to give a tip, it'd be this: after completing a task, the screen waits for a bit before zooming out, but the bar on the right keeps rising, which seems a little unfair. Also, sometimes you get stuck on corners while moving (or at least it seemed that way?), but those things are really minor. Cool little concept, good job!


Yeah, I didn't have much time to play test, so I didn't realize the waiting after a minigame would cause problems. As for getting stuck on corners, I made the collision detection code myself, so it's still a bit buggy. I didn't want to spend a long time fixing it during the jam, so I just left it as is and hoped no one would mind too much. Thanks for the constructive criticism!