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Although Godot doesn’t work well with the tiling window manager that I used, it’s really easy to onboard. The install size is quite small and easy to showcase via web export. Will participate again in the next GMTK and GWJ jam.

Btw, this is the first time I do gamedev and just realize how suck I’m at linear algebra 😂


Same lol. I shouldn't have taken math classes for granted ;-;

Out of curiosity, which tiling window manager do you use? I use notion, which is getting quite antiquated, but it works fine with Godot :-)

I use bspwm. It has a problem distinguishing between

  • the editor (WM_CLASS = “Godot_Editor”, “Godot”), and
  • the running game (WM_CLASS = “Godot_Engine”, “Battle in Frying Pan”).

Somehow when I add this rule

bspc rule -a '*:Godot_Engine' state=floating layer=above

it applied both on the editor and the running game. Seems Godot editor and projectmanager change it’s WM_CLASS at runtime 🤔

Thanks, I hadn't heard of bspwm. Just looked it up, seem cool :-)