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Your child was likely given Harpy as a race since it is later on the list of races checked for 50+ genetics. The latter race checked for is always the one chosen, and the order appears arbitrary. This issue would exist with a 50-50 child, so 100+ genetics is not relevant.

There was an issue with the code to change 100+ genetics to 100 in v0.9.5, so if you got someone pregnant in that version then it would persist even in v0.9.6. If not, then I'm not sure of the cause of the 100+ genetics, since I've read the related code multiple times and not seen anything wrong.

Deleted 2 years ago

I've tested pregnancies in game for v0.9.6 and found several issues related to race, such as half and half children being labeled as 2 halves of the same race. But still zero instances of 100+ genetics in slave guilds, after combat, or from pregnancies.


I figured it out, all the slaves have 100 genetic sums, but the description only shows the positive genetics so the total appears higher. There are 2 sources of the problem. 

The first is "set_genealogy" in does not reset the existing genealogy of a person before adding in the new. This is specifically an issue for impregnation from virtual fathers(prostitution or kennel). This is bugged and unless you fix line 1173 in it will never happen. When fixed, "set_genealogy" is used to assign custom genetics to the virtual father, thus always ending up with 200 genetics.

The second cause is that "build_genealogy_equalize" has a small defect as it assumes that for 100+ genetics so long as the current genetic line is positive that you can subtract any amount from it. However, that can only be true for purebreeds, otherwise you can end up with negative genetic lines. Thus 100 is always reached, but it in an unbalanced way. The fix for this is simple, "random_number" needs to limited to at most the current value of the genetic line. A similar fix could be made for the 100- genetics, though once the above problem is fixed this function should almost never be used and it is of questionable value to begin with.

Same as Darkness' reply, definitely an issue in .6 version. I couldn't even get the mod working during .5, and did a clean install using .6, so cant be issue with prior version

Ank's fix was the key. It's implimented into 0.9.7 and being bugtested now. I also recalculated the way that races are picked/displayed that I'm testing to see if that will fix the display issues that are showing as being Mixed/Pureblooded when they aren't.