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I'm getting a bit sceptical on how you know so many things, If you wouldn't mind answering these questions then you could join me and my friends project!

1. What is your best 3D Model?

2. What does public void mean?

Thanks - Exen.

(1 edit)

Thank you for the vote of confidence! :D

1. Truth be told, I've spent more time programming and animating of late (had other artists working with me to produce the models) but I am most accustomed to hard surface and environment modeling. As for which is my best - well it would probably be an environment I produced a few months ago. 

2.Public concerns the accessibility of a method or variable, whilst denotes void is the return type  

My portfolio is available here:
It is out of date and does need some work(hence why I'm taking part in game jams! :D) but it should hopefully provide enough insight into  my level of ability, though it does lack some of my more recent coding projects.
I can provide renders or code samples if required.

For a quick summary of my role in some of the projects presented on my portfolio:
Project Q (don't ask ;p) - Rigger & Animator, Particle Effects, 3D Modelling + Texturing(using Quixel/photoshop)
Super Villain Smash Up -Rigger & Animator, Particle Effects, 3D Modelling(pickups and character)
Magnus Basilica - (solo) 3D Modelling + Texturing(using Quixel/photoshop)
Solus - (solo) Code, 3D Modelling + Texturing(using Quixel/photoshop)
Boffers Base Defense - (solo) Code, 3D modeling