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Hey! - Interesting idea. Did you do the art yourself? I like the main menu and background music, and the intro "cinematic". It's good that you can click to speed up the dialogue. I like the the use of Pickups and power-ups, and using the scroll wheel to change between them. Some things to note; An introduction to the Interaction Key straight away would be good. I guessed it was "E", but some people may not know. - You didn't mention the scroll wheel in your pause menu - The Gun didn't hit exactly where I was pointing, so may need to check collision detection. Unless this was intended. - You stated in your pause menu that the WASD or Arrows are used to move the character. I couldn't get the arrows to work. IDK if this was just me, or a programming issue. - If i froze an enemy, and touched him, I was still hurt. Was this intended? - That's all I got for now. Good luck in your endeavours!


Hello! Thank you for playing our game and for the feedback!! The art is made by our team member TheVibingPotato! I forgot to put an instruction for the interact key and scroll controls, as well as adding the arrow keys control, so thank you for mentioning those. The collision problem is something we have yet to fix. For the frozen enemy thing, I didn't think too much of it, but I'll reconsider that. 

This is our first jam game and the programmers in our team (me and StarsOfCurtains) consider ourselves beginners in game development, we still have a lot to learn so the feedback is very much appreciated. Thank you!