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A member registered Jun 15, 2020 · View creator page →

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Well there's no need to jump to an extreme like that - I totally get where you're coming from. Learning through tutorials is great. But next time, during the development, what about trying to implement a few of your own changes on top of what the Tutorial is tell you to do, then all of your personal changes will stack up, and you're on your way to making something of your very own :) 

Really interesting idea, but maybe move the camera back a little bit. Also, you might want to check spelling and grammar: "So if you fall OF you respawn". Are you planning on further developing this piece? Either way, good luck in your endeavours!

Really like the idea of having to switch colours to avoid damage/progress the level! Are you planning on furthering this platformer? Either way, good luck in your endeavours!

Interesting little shooter. I see you've cancelled this project though, so good luck in your endeavours!

Fun little point-and-clicker! Good job, and good luck in your endeavours!

(1 edit)

Hey! I like the intro "Cinematic". "Bob will... CHANGE!" - I like how you think it's going to be a straight forward game, and then it starts to get kind of trippy haha - Good idea, and I like the particle effects when you change pieces. Menu music is cool! - SPOILERS for the game -- Was it meant to close the game completely when you get to level 9? And then again when I started it again? Good luck in your endeavours!

Hey! Interesting game idea! The speech sounds could be turned down a little bit in relation to the background sounds. Also, you might want to double check the grammar in your text boxes. - Took me a moment to work out the controls, but I think I got there. The tiles were hard to see sometimes, I think because it was still showing the enemy's movement/attack spaces. Good luck in your endeavours!

Hey! Not sure I understand the objective of the game. I just started pushing all the blocks out of the boundary, and managed to get on top of the house - Regardless, a good start to game development, and good luck in your endeavours!

Hey! Interesting precision arcade game. To note: If targets appeared on top of each other, you could click each of them with one click. It might be possible to add an exception into your code that prohibits targets from spawning on top of each other. Good game regardless, and good luck in your endeavours!

I like how you changed the song and added variety to each level. Are you planning on adding further levels or developments to this? Good start anyway, and good luck in your endeavours!

Hey! Are you planning on adding levels, or other developments to this? Good functions so far, and good luck in your endeavours!

Hey! Are you planning on adding levels? Hitting the blocks to the beat of songs? Do you have plans to push this further? :) - Good start so far, and good luck in your endeavours!

Hey! I like the intro Splash Screen, cool effect! Where did you get the name from? I'm not sure I understand the game idea. Also, there's a spelling error in the intro text. "But Remember, it's over if a ball slips OF the edge!!" Regards, and good luck in your endeavours! 

Hey! - Interesting idea. Did you do the art yourself? I like the main menu and background music, and the intro "cinematic". It's good that you can click to speed up the dialogue. I like the the use of Pickups and power-ups, and using the scroll wheel to change between them. Some things to note; An introduction to the Interaction Key straight away would be good. I guessed it was "E", but some people may not know. - You didn't mention the scroll wheel in your pause menu - The Gun didn't hit exactly where I was pointing, so may need to check collision detection. Unless this was intended. - You stated in your pause menu that the WASD or Arrows are used to move the character. I couldn't get the arrows to work. IDK if this was just me, or a programming issue. - If i froze an enemy, and touched him, I was still hurt. Was this intended? - That's all I got for now. Good luck in your endeavours!

Did you build this just for Mac? Regards

Hey! - I like the level design - The little jump on Level 2(?) was interesting, and the other levels offered an interesting challenge. I'm going to assume the game is winnable, I got to 5 and had to give up lol -  Some things to change would be: Set the Player position to 0, so the "Score" starts at 0 as well. On Level 3 and 4, I hit the very last obstacle, and still triggered the "Level Complete" panel. You may need to move this trigger back a little. Maybe change the name and colour scheme a little bit. - I know you added your own touches to it, but you do need to change some more things about it. You took the exact same name from Brackeys as well. - I know this is your first game, and I'm offering advice and constructive criticism. Good luck in your endeavours! <3

Thank you! haha - I'm planning on adding some more to it - and trying  porting to android - I know the Jam is finished, but I just want to see where it can go :D

Please let me know what you think! - I already know of one issue where the pause menu (Escape) has an issue with the "Quit" button >_<