First of all, congrats on submitting your project. Making a game in such a short time is a win on itself.
Your game looks amazing, the thumbnail really sold me on that one and started playing inmmediatly.
The rewind mechanic and effects look incredible as well. I think the game just needs to be clear on how to play. The only thing I manage to do was to put the sign on the spilled water. I kept rewinding time and didnt know how to make the date go well.
My other concern is that, I asume im one of the guys on the table, but since they are both identical other than the color I was confused about which one I was, maybe the other couple could have a dude look very different or two girls to get the point across.
Music is great and I would love to see the updates of this piece which has a lot of charm.
If you have time to play my game and rate it I would really appreciate it.