Thanks for trying it out! We understand that it has quite a jump in difficulty from the first quest to the second with the passwords and such, we intended to implement more quests (about 3-4) before you even got to the keypad, which at that point you would naturally memorize things, so we understand your frustration (a lot of the playtesters were also frustrated with this, but yknow time constraints :d)
Also sorry about the "letter", we're not native speakers so there's a lot of errors in the text, but it's okay if you didn't finish it, it's a brutually hard game and most people wont complete it just because we couldn't implement the "easier" quests
I completly agree with your scores though! I would've given it the same, the graphics are kinda fun but the actual gameplay is very slow, repetitive and grindy. We'll try and make our scope a bit lesser for our upcoming titles.
Thanks for taking your time to write this detailed review, we appreciate it a lot