But i did, in fact, finish it... 😶
Btw, i know my review make it feels like i didn't enjoyed the game at all, but that's not the case at all... Execpt for the grind and stuff i liked the game a lot, especially the story!!!
Also, don't worry about the letter error or the native speaking problem (I'm also a non native speaker) too much, when i writed the comment i was frustrated so maybe i've kinda exagerated
The only thing that i want to point out, because i feel i haven't espressed well enough, is that the equation one isn't the only one puzzle that suffers from trial and error/memorization, in fact i think every puzzle suffers from trial and error, but i think the ploblem relies in the way the problem they're presented to the player, which you already ardressed in your answer
Thank you for taking the time to read my big chunk of text, and, of course, for partecipating in this jam!!! 😃