I'm able to replicate the problem however textures for custom blocks aren't supported in this way. You'll have to place the texture (PNG) in the textures folder with Asset Forge in order to use it on blocks, I've added some new code in the 2.1.1 version which actually disables texture loading for custom blocks all together to ensure that people don't use this feature which might not work.
Yeah, I mean… I’ve got the texture in a textures folder right next to the mtl and obj, and it loads up just fine… it’s just the CTRL+Z doing weirdness…
That’s kind of sad about the removing texture support – I was excited when you mentioned that there was global UVs. – It’s fine though, I can always use solid colors in the tool and then apply textures after export.
You can still use textures though, place the texture you've made in the Textures folder similar as you would place custom objects in the Collections folder. Then you can select the texture for a material and it'll work as intended, sorry I had to cut the function for textures in custom models but there were more problems which kept it from being stable other than the bug you've reported.
Oh! – In that “Textures” folder. – I see – I confused myself because the custom cube & mats that I posted had relative paths to their own “Textures” folder, so I thought you were talking about that one before.
I hadn’t even realized there was a root “Textures” folder (next to Collections and Scripts).
And so, it sounds like, if there is a texture in that folder, then it can be applied to surfaces using global UVs? – That works for me.
It’s lame that importing objs with custom textures doesn’t work, but at least there’s a workaround. 🙂
Hey, and by the way, thanks for taking the time to explain all that to me, I appreciate it. 👍🏻