Have to say, it's a really cool game... I didn't make it through even though I've seen the ghosty boss ^^
Overall very polished took me a while to understand how to fight against the spear guys but once u figure out it's "doable" ^^
Still very challenging which typically is a good thing but I would have loved it and probably at least made it to the end of the game if there was something like a checkpoint.
One problematic thing is that 1. Your sword gets disabled when you get hit (which by no means is a "bad" mechanic, it's just a bit frustrating but okay) and 2. You can't push enemies away or go through them. Combined with 1. this sometimes leads to undeniable death especially if you get surrounded by multiple enemies or get stuck in a small room (f.e. the toilet room?). You pretty much just can't escape and since you can't hit the enemies once you get hit once you're pretty much done ^^'
Still very fun to play and cool attack schemes :3