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A member registered Jun 20, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

Hey! I happened to stumble upon your game after finding some examples of multiplayer games using godot, particularly with WebRTC. Coincidentally, I also participated in this jam though! Shame I didn't find your game earlier... Anyway, I've been trying to learn about networking in godot for a few weeks now.

But I wanted to say, I think I know why some people people are struggling to connect to other people's servers.

My first thought was that maybe it was because of people's particular network setup, but it seems like you did all the right things on the client-server side to get around that. Unless people are on some business network or something, there really shouldn't be any issues here, I would hope.

So, what I actually think is going on is the fact that your using Heroku to manage your server. The problem there is that Heroku is doesn't run your server code on a single machine. It could be several. But your client-server interaction assumes that the server code is on a single machine, since you're storing all the information about peer connections locally on the server.  

I imagine that the way this is normally done is to have a single dedicated server that everyone has to interact with in order to connect to other peers. But I don't really know if that's possible on Heroku.

Yeah, pretty much everyone finds this game difficult. We were aiming for it to be difficult, but I think as a result of lack of play testing on my part, we didn't really have a chance to gauge how difficult we made it until the last moment. And as you mention, it's sort of a combination of things that make it way too hard. I probably should have just went ahead and cut some of the more egregious issues before submitting, but meh, it is what it is. I'm still fairly happy with how it came out, especially since I didn't have time to use the full 48 hours to work on this. 

Thanks for the feed back! This has been my first game jam I've ever completed, and it's been a lot of fun and really insightful. I'm impressed by the amount of really in depth feed back are willing to give on so many games, haha. It's really quite a cool experience.

(3 edits)

I really enjoyed the mechanic of fast falling to increase your jump height. I had a lot of fun with this one!

For me, it feels like there needs to be some work on the responsiveness and visual feed back of the fast fall itself. I think there are some important design considerations around how and when holding down the "down" key applies the fast_fall force. Initiating the fast fall after a jump feels really clean, but when I hit a spring, I feel like I should have release and press the down key again in order to reapply the fast fall. I was kind of frustrated by how I had to perfectly time the release. I think that's what some of the issues other people were having.

Also, it doesn't seem like I can trigger the fast fall when I simply fall off of an edge, which is also pretty annoying, but is maybe more of a bug.

ALSO also, you didn't tell me I could slide?! So yeah, apparently pushing the "down" key while running causes you to slide. That was pretty nifty.

Another thing I noticed: seems like the knock back affect could vary wildly in some cases.

In any case, once I got the hang of it, it was pretty fun, and the music was really good!

edit: Oh! I also wanted to say: if you're planning on adding some polish, I personally think there could be a bit more effects, like wind falling animations, to add some juice to the whole fast fall animation. I noticed the character starts flashing when he starts hitting terminal velocity or something, which was really cool!  But yeah, the way it currently is also works well enough and definitely doesn't detract from anything! Just some thoughts.

I found your secret, and the music you're using is in fact public domain, so don't fret:

It's a good choice, too, and really helps shape the atmosphere of the game.

But in the game, it's hard to figure out what to do, and it's not obvious what you can interact with or even click on... I think with some polish to these game play elements  would help the experience a lot. As always, I imagine with more time, you would have been able to work through these issues. Good effort overall!

(1 edit)

I just figured out how to make my game playable on the web 15 minutes ago! 

edit: it crashes when you hit replay. Never did fix that bug. You have to refresh the page to replay, but definitely an improvement over needing to download.

(1 edit)

Oof, this is a difficult game. One of my initial comments is: I shouldn't have to push a button to read the signs in this case (because then I have to guess which button to press, lol). I should just be able to walk in front of it for it to appear.

Other than that, it's a hard platformer, with a mechanic that adds to the difficulty, but does indeed make it interesting. 

edit: Also, it would be nice if there was a way to cancel one of my throws, so I don't have to live with the consequences of wherever I accidentally end up teleporting to.

Okay, I understand what you have to do in this game, put it was almost impossible for me to figure it out. I persisted though. 

There could have been some work on getting the input for changing the order of DNA more intuitive and responsive. I think I had to double click, which basically means most people won't even realize they can click on it at all. Also, the highlighting of the letters themselves is way too subtle it's hard to tell you can even interact with them either. Once I figured out what to do with the letters, I found the concept somewhat interesting actually. I think you could have focused more on just that puzzle aspect of using DNA sequences to unlock doors and polished that up.

I have no idea how to "Touch clones to get DNA" though... 

(2 edits)

Why IS my head floating? Why do I launch swords from my eyes? Why is anything? These are all questions this game makes you ask. Are we all just heads floating aimlessly in space? And what do the red people want? And why don't I want them to come near me? And in the end, when I've DESTROYED them all, and I am truly alone... then what?

This game leaves us with so many unanswered questions. 

edit: I really liked the particle animation when you destroy one of the red guys. 

Haha! Yeah, I was also at a point where I was solidly above the lava that it wasn't even on the meter. I was just too slow taking the capture, lol.

But yeah, good job with this game! Definitely would have been nice to have the lava rate increase, but alas! That is how the game jam do.

Oh, I also wanted to say, I thought the animations in the game were really clean. The way the helmet turned into the rocket was a really nice touch. I would say this was one of the best use of a chicken so far.

(1 edit)

Wow, this was a really good game. It took me a few play times playing to figure out all the nuances, though, but even then, figuring out a good strategy feels like a real to develop. 

I love the sounds in the game, and the music works really well with the game. I kind of wish this game would get fleshed out more with more music beats and enemy types and things like that. 

Me playing the game:
> "Mhm, okay, yeah, barn, got it. Growing crops... okay. Cows... exploding, wait what? Okay, there are chickens, too. Uugh, what was the first thing you said? Wait... Exploding Wasps!?..."

(some time later)

The Game: "The cow has been teleported to your barn"
Also the game: "You monster".
Exploding wasp: "explodes"

Okay, so, joking aside, this looks like a really well polished game. There are many systems involved and I feel like I could get into this. I also really appreciate the humor in the game. 

However, it's really hard to get into at first, with all the tutorial happening all at once and no real way to refresh how I'm supposed to do things. I only played a minute or so before I kind of gave up, not really knowing what to do next.

I'll probably come back to this, though. It has more depth than I'd expect from a game jam game, so it has a lot going for it, I'd say.

Pretty fun little game. The steering controls takes a while to get used to ... After that though, and once you figure out that running the creatures and the yellow blocks increased my fuel, it became a lot easier. Though, after hitting around 300m-400m, it starts getting a little tedious as the procedural generation starts running its course... And once you hit 1000m, you start questioning your life choices...

With that being said, anyone else able to beat my high score of 1012.9M? I only stopped playing because my wrist started to cramp up.

Well that escalated quickly... 

Either way, this was a really fun game.  But it definitely gets really hard really quickly. Also, the "swoosh" sound the sword makes is the best. Really made just clicking the mouse button alone a lot of fun.

I noticed I could plant and grab crops from arbitrarily far away. Though at the same time, sometimes it wouldn't register my clicks. Maybe it had something to do with how close an enemy was to the crops. 

It might have been nice to add a way to heal the barn? But I'm not sure how long I'd actually want to keep playing this game unless there was promise of more variety (different crops, enemies, fighters, etc). So, really, I think that the length of game play is about right. It just shows no mercy.

RIP this game (pun intended).

Nice lighting effects, though.

Good luck with uni!

This game is really just proof that good art direction is essential to making a game stand out from the rest. The intentional use of ambiance (both audio and visual) really brings life to an otherwise limited art set.  Good job!

However, the whole experience does feel like more of a teaser to possibly a bigger game... Really does leave you wanting more.