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(1 edit)

This is Dale's House. Are you sure you're trying to go to the right house? The big mansion is "Ki's House". you wont have access to it. the same where there's another house with a manhole in the middle. That's the Sewers you won't have access to. Please read the signs :D

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No!! I got stuck. Still I think this has been my favorite byte off entry.  It feels very complete and you can tell you put a lot of time and attention not only into the graphics, but also the gameplay mechanics, story, and level design . I will get to the end. 

NOOO! LOL  save a lot when playing the demo. Any demo really. But don't worry there's things I will be fixing and adjusting so this doesn't happen. A lot of things I looked at it as an artist perspective and not the players. Im a gamer myself and when things didn't feel right I should had went with my gut feeling. But is a learning experience. But I am happy and grateful that people are enjoying the demo. It means a lot to me. Thank you.