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A member registered Sep 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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Some how I missed this one. Great job on everything. I was actually planning a ship controlled area but didnt have enough time to do it. Hopefully we get to see this project being completed.

This was great. I love he whole Black and White feel to it. it goes well with the western feel to it. Nice how you got the enemies to shoot at the player. I wasn't able to make it work in my demo. I hope to see this game complete one day. Keep it up.

Did no one see the extra detail on the cat? It shows the | > button when you move it and the cat eyes are | | for it being paused when you aren't moving. Nice job on the demo overall.

Yes, this was done in a month. The greener area which the houses were my own tile set from a game I was working on, but the mountain, cave, and organic areas was all made in a month. Including the npcs, monsters, player, and comic board, and of course the title screen.

A friend of mine Paterico Pereira help with the dash coding, sound, and music. But yeah this wasn't easy. I put hours in daily to pull it off and still didn't include everything.

Glad you liked it.

no dont be like that even i would had been the same if I didnt reach out. Keep trying and you'll get better. You did something I couldn't even do. So keep it up.

Glad you liked it. And yeah, follow the purple stripe worm lol but I'm pleased you found the way 😅  things will be rebuilded from the ground up and hopefully add the other things I wanted. Thanks again

This one was short and sweat. Love it. the animation and music was on point.  Keep it up!

OMG I love the sprites and animations in this game. I cant wait to see what type of music this game will have a long with the SFX. Keep working on this please ^_^

Weird. I know I left a comment here.  any way, love the puzzle feel to it. it reminds me of the statues in link to the past. good job!

This was really entertaining. I am amazed you got things to work that I wasn't able to like the health and I love how you made the continue screen. good job!

good job. Im sure things like the jump and other things will get adjusted. Keep it up.

nice time attack puzzle game.

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AHHHH LMAO no actual. They aren't in Florida in my game haha Maybe I should had made it that way >_> Wow I feel stupid now (Slams his face on his desk haha)

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" and I like how you made Florida look like a Temperate wonderland... like I bet the girl at the Wendy's in your Florida would know how to spell Alex and they wouldnt assign me to bathroom parking lot instead of a campsite at the KOA"

You kind of lost me in your analogy. Are you referring to it this way because I mentioned about your music? The comment wasn't meant to upset you, but to be aware. Even my stuff has flaws, but I take those criticism, note it down, and make improvements the best that I can. But thanks for your comment ^_^ can't wait to see improvements for both our projects and thank you for being honest.

Yeah I figured much. these were one of the elements I wanted to add on my other game for a location.. but still awesome nonetheless

NOOO! LOL  save a lot when playing the demo. Any demo really. But don't worry there's things I will be fixing and adjusting so this doesn't happen. A lot of things I looked at it as an artist perspective and not the players. Im a gamer myself and when things didn't feel right I should had went with my gut feeling. But is a learning experience. But I am happy and grateful that people are enjoying the demo. It means a lot to me. Thank you.

dashing areas most likely in the green areas (trees and grassy areas) i didnt have time to adjust it. But random warp placement is due to Nesmaker lol

yeah i know how it is trust me lol

Has potential. but having two enemies on the player with no way to recover from being hit is a little game breaker. but i can see this being bigger than what it is. good start.

Nice strategy game play.  it remind me of something i just don't remember what game it was lol oh i think i remembered. link to the past statues. love it though.

Not bad for a boss rush. Wish the player had more skills to use. Nice sprites though.

Simple yet satisfying!

Stuck how? only places you can get stuck now is if you dash up where there's only one tile which i have to fix it and make it two tiles solid away from the hud. I you got stuck in a block during transitioning stages that's the Nesmaker itself. Only two text glitches I know. One if you dash into the auto text and the other if you speak to Dale twice which is out of my hands lol
but glad you liked it :D

Funny concept. Just wished the enemies AI was better. Many times I got shot while the enemy was looking the other way :D but trial and error. Good job on the sprite work.

Ah okay, yeah I always use Mesen, but know that the game will crash or do weird things from time to time. but that's not our doing lol and cool i need this walk behind tile. this would make my environments even better!

Nice Mario Paint concept to it and great images to color. Just wish their was music playing while I was painting :P

Nice spin on a Shmup turned Adventure. The music is very engaging. just careful with the tile placement. dont leave a gab one tile away from the edges or youll get stuck :P

Nice. I see the attacks ended up nicely. You definitely need my dashing in your game. its a nice treatment to move around like Ecco the Dolphin. I must know how you did the walk behind... is that a tile or sprite?

Good start. Hope to see more.

Love that YS and Link II feel to it. One thing I need to point out (people things its not too important) music is just as important. I enjoyed the game but that dungeon music was driving me crazy. BUT! I love the town house music. it had me laughing because (I am not sure if you intended it that way) the NPC's dance to the beat :D over all can't wait to see more coming from this game. Keep up the good work.

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Poor Time Traveler's Fiance's  liver :D So far so good. would be neat if you put a barfing animations and throwing  animations as well. Great music. Goes well with the theme :P

This has potential. I would say to test out more on when you are jumping up screens, I had a very hard time getting up to the platform when screens transitioned. but either way I can see the coming along. May before the sword swing animation add a blur to show that he swung it. and don't forget to add the stop animation  when going from walk to crouch. it keeps going forward doing so but we all have our tech issues. Keep up the good work.

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If you collected the key after talking to Mr.Retro you're suppose to go back to where you saw the hole on the ground and go north. There's a locked block there for you to use the key. Always explore all areas 😉 ill put that in my notes to make some areas more noticeable.

Most likely you pressed the B button while in Auto text. I just found that bug lastnight when I was testing the game more to take notes on a rebuild.

Yeah I took note on that. Once I rebuild the game I will fix all of that. Thanks for your feed back.

Hey Vufka,

Glad you enjoyed the game thus far.  You mentioned you got stuck with the enemies? Can you explain what happened? Two known factors:

1: When I designed the stages I made certain screens have one tile away from the hud. Some how at the right distance the dash forces the players hitbox to reach the hud forcing it to the other screen. I adjusted some of the areas but I ran out of time to do it to everything else.

2: If you follow the path, say you went from one screen to another and it puts in an edge you weren't suppose to be in, sadly there's nothing we can do about it now. Its a current bug in NESmaker.

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This is Dale's House. Are you sure you're trying to go to the right house? The big mansion is "Ki's House". you wont have access to it. the same where there's another house with a manhole in the middle. That's the Sewers you won't have access to. Please read the signs :D

What do you mean? All you have to do is walk up close to the door and it should let you go in. Between the character's hit box and the warp placement I guess its a little hard to align. Ill note this down to make sure it's easier for players to access the warp tile to places.
Give it a try and let me know. Glad you like the artwork though.

Sprite works is beautiful along with the animations. Reminds me of "Song of the deep". Can't wait to see more elements in this.