2) I understand but idea is to set our hands free and have some bonus when we return to the game window. Maybe halve gains once more if, this yet imaginary, auto is used. Currently game requires constant (every 5-10 mns) attention to progress. Don't get me wrong, i like this kind of games as well (not idle and without offline progression) but they usualy are a bit more rewarding.
Maybe some other mechanics... like base 'some%\hour(minute, second)' of best achieved resourse gains and Upgrade to increase this %? This will also help with offline gains if you plan on adding those.
3) This is just a suggestion, you don't have to listen to me at all :P
4) This would be just interesting to look at and think, so not obligatory at all. When you have time\desire\inspiration :)
5) Discord maybe? I am not pushing :)