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Thank you for your feedback. I assumed that many games would be more action/concentration heavy, so I thought maybe a calm game would stand out this way. I am happy to hear that I achieved the game experience I wanted.

And yes, your criticism is warranted, I am aware of the bugs. This has been my first 3D game, so there were a few things I simply did not know how to properly tweak to how I wanted them. Also, I know exactly which tree you mean, I noticed it shortly after the submission ended (as these things usually go).
I too felt that the environment was a bit too static. I had some particle effects and the like in my stretch goals list, but unfortunately didn't get to them. Maybe if I work on the game a bit after the jam, who knows.

Thats fair.  :)

Game jam time limited get all of us like that, I had to cut stuff too.