"I couldnt quite finish the game, but i think i got most of the cats. I couldnt figure out how to get that one cat with sunglasses behind red rocks. Bomb seemed to explode before i could get there."
Yeah the one with sunglasses is a bit of a trick one, how long do you think you took to get as far as you did in the game?
"Also i couldnt figure out how to get through this gate. I tried to put vase on that button but nothing seemed to happen."
It's not a bug, but it seems I should make it more clear that the pots don't work on it. Maybe I'll have a laser shoot the pot as soon as it's placed in it.
"I walked throught those rocks on left corner and got stuck as i was walking behind those buildings."
Well that a new one! Should be easy to fix tho. Thanks for all your help and patience with these bugs :)
"I was still able to go through ufo wall by walking to left while standing in this corner."
It would seem we have a cursed bug on our hands! xD I also see you got the cat from the headless man! I'm impressed you figured it out! I thought that might be one of the less intuitive ones.
"Car race seemed really hard, since you cant really see where you are going. Maybe you could zoom out little bit or add some hints where to turn next."
Ahh yes, I did suspect that the corners might come on a bit quick, its so hard to judge when you know the track layout perfectly. Thanks for confirming and good job on managing to beat it! How many times did it take you? Was it so hard as to not be fun?
All this feedback is most helpful! So thank you very much my cactus friend! :)
So what are your honest thoughts of the gameplay in general?
Was it enjoyable despite the bugs?
Would it be something you'd be exited to play the finished version of?
What's the best and worst aspects of the game?