I havent personally experienced a major update of mine accomplishing anything sadly. It seems like they take a long time and not many get approved. I have a suggestion thread I made too in the feedback part of the forum. Doesn’t seem like itch staff reply to much though honestly.
It didn’t carry me to the top of the most recent pages or anything, but it did give me a pretty big boost. This was 9-3 or so. It only took a few hours, maybe less, to get approved. I’ve been trying to reach out to staff as well. No luck yet. On the discord I was told this:
And that was the only response. I’ll try to email the staff in a few days, but I doubt I’ll have better luck.
At any rate, I’ll post here if I do hear anything.
I hope it goes better for you and we can figure this out. I’ve emailed the staff multiple times, reached out on twitter, posted here, posted in Discord, and posted a suggestion thread. I don’t know how many people work their support staff but this visibility and itch’s ability to reply to their developers is important for itch to grow.
I’d just like transparency on turn around for review, if a review accepted or rejected a post, and indexing time estimate.
I'm glad you posted this. I'm new to itch and I've just released a game. I thought I had been very thorough about checking all the launch boxes but my game hasn't appeared in the new releases. I was growing frustrated trying to figure out what I've done wrong, looks like it's just a case of bad timing.
Thanks - John