Yeah, this Jam certainly makes rating things really difficult... is high production value a plus or minus? Who knows, but for me it was a plus in this particular case, because there was still enough (intentional) badness that I felt the game fit the Jam theme! I did find the cover to be way too nice for this Jam, but I can see your intention with it! (It's really weird when good things are reversed because the Jam makes us view everything through a different "lens")
I kind of just wrote that "would of" off as intentional bad dialogue, it's just a pet peeve of mine. But with how well written most of what I've seen from you has been, I thought the mistakes were likely on purpose. There's no need to fix the bakery, I think, it all fits the Jam theme after all!
Yeah, I really liked the family dynamic it had, since in most stories parents just get removed from the main plot in some way!
Those anecdotes from your team are quite funny! I noticed in the credits that you voiced Amina yourself, and I thought her voice was quite nice, just like most of the voice acting (and the rather few parts that felt less good felt less good on purpose). I've never worked with voice actors myself and it adds so much to the game! It's amusing your brother didn't recognize your voice, I guess I already just mentioned that, but it's just so fun to imagine!
No worries about the long comment, it's nice to talk to a fellow game developer, that's actually something I haven't done very often yet!