The Maelstrom update today fixed some small issues in the GUI placement for things like the Title, because I found some cases in the code that were not properly ignoring the old method of resizing aspect when resizeFactor = 1.0. It was supposed to ignore my old way of doing the calculation if that option was specified in interfaces.ini, but it wasn't for some of the elements. That is now fixed.
For worldmap labels, the needs to contain a locator in the "labels" group, where the name matches the worldmap init attributes:
worldMap.labels.Pirates_town.locator = "Pirates_town"; contains a label, group "label" name "pirates_town"
If the two match, it should display the label at the coordinates for the locator.
I did not edit the particles. The particles where probably made in the Maya modeling program and exported in the game format with a plugin like the .gm files. But nobody I know has that plugin since the original developers do not appear to have released it, like they did the .gm exporter. Since I know what the game format for particles consists of, since the source for the file reading is available to me, I did add a way to read the .xps files into the game, then export them all as .xml so that the values can be read by humans. There is also a start.ini method to tell Maelstrom to read the .xml particle files I exported, instead of the .xps files. This would allow someone to edit the .xml values instead, to achieve different particle effects. But, I don't know what any of the values do or what effect they would have on the particle effect in the game. So I have not edited any of them, but if someone knows what the values do, or wanted to experiment by changing the .xml files, with the new start.ini option, they would be able to try out new values and alter the effects. Start.ini option to use them:
useXMLParticles = 1