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- the menu text goes outside the box, same with the statistics icons at the character select screen (using laptop screen btw)

- i accidentally banished all the gods and had to alt+f4
- a female investigator would be nice

other than that great job so far
(1 edit)

Re: Bulletpoint 1: What's your desktop resolution setting? I'm currently balancing everything on 1920x1080 but intend to rebalance for smaller and larger screens.

Bullet point 2 is resolved in next patch (was targeting the god database rather than the spawned gods).

Working on said female investigator but she's not in yet and will be an unlock for completing Season of Bloom.

Thank you for the report and I hope you check out next patch and follow the game!


>what resolution
maybe if you could set object lengths / distances to be at proportions / percentage of screen size, instead of pixels, then it shouldn't matter what the resolution is. not sure how it works in your engine 

Yep, everything's just set to constant pixel size at the moment rather than to scale with screen resolution. Next build should have most of the canvas' converted. It's all set up in percentages presently so should work well in most resolutions.

Just letting you know that I've made the game rescale to fit most resolutions. If you decide to come back at some point and check the game out, the latest patch should help the game be a more pleasant experience for you! Would love to know if everything is easier to read and work with now that I've implemented scaling on all the UI elements.

yeah, nice, text doesn't go outside the boxes anymore 
- don't know if it was meant to be fixed yet, but can still banish all gods, which prevents proceeding
- to me personally the text writing speed and the "investigating..." screen are a tad too slow, but i get that it's more atmospheric that way, and i assume with some kinda sounds it's gonna feel better
- some parts of the UI are kinda small, like the "rolled dice" text bottom left, the  "Non-location event" top right,  "danger level" top right, when you hover over the level (1) "0/100xp" top left is for ants
- in the inventory,  text goes outside of the box for "fresh sandwich" top left
- would also be good if the energy(?) meter topest left had some bigger bars to it
- there is also a strange kind of font, for example for "(c△se file 0)" bottom right, i think it's the same used for "current objective" top left
that's all i'm seeing