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This was really nice! I really liked the art, and the intro actually impressed me, finding a way out was actually entertaining.
The only critiques i could make are that maybe the contrast between the background and the characters could be bigger, since sometimes, especially in the mother's house, the colors seem to mix a little to much with the player, and also it seems that there are some problems with collisions, i was actualy able to go on top of the parked tanks and was ejected to the other side of the wall, wich technically would count as a victory :) But i was stuck in the outside of the map for a while until i found an open way in the bottom left of the map, and was able to resume my progress with the game.
But overall, this was really well done, it gave a slight feeling of "movie-like" in the beggining, and i feel that a full "escape the USSR" adventure game could be really cool, Congrats!


Thank you Davide! Im really happy that you liked it!
We have indeed received few comments on collision error that we have to definitely polish :(  
I will also take a good note about the character/background contrast!

Thank you again! "Movie-like" feels like an amazing complement. We feel so flattered! :D


Glad you enjoyed it!