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A member registered Sep 03, 2018 · View creator page →

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I like the idea of this game, but it was pretty buggy and there was very little feedback to know if you were doing well. Whenever I launched a nuke it would just show me a black screen for a bit? I feel like something was supposed to be showing there. Giving the player some more feedback to let them know how they're doing would help a lot. I was also confused by being asked to test the same bomb over and over again until I realized you had to press next year to advance, but then it seemed like the testing didn't matter. I definitely like the idea of this game, but it needs some big changes to feel playable.

Like others have said, I think the it was pretty difficult as the enemies had a lot of health. But for a first game it was a quite good! Everything worked and I didn't encounter any bugs, so nice job!

I really enjoyed this game; definitely one of my favorites in this jam! The whole game felt super polished and the gameplay was a lot of fun. Both trying to avoid the npc's and dealing with their conversations were interesting mechanics, and both worked great. The game as a whole felt perfectly scoped for a game jam. The visuals and audio were also on point. Overall, great game!

Unfortunately I don't have a second person to play with so I tried it out solo, but it seems quite good. I liked the character art and the pre-fight quips at each others. The also liked the uniqueness of each character's moves. My biggest suggestion would be to reduce how much the characters slide on the floor, as it made everything feel less precise and controlled. Other than that, some sound effect or animation when you hit another player would be nice. But overall, great work! I'd love to play this with another player when I get the chance.

I quite enjoyed this game! It was simple but quite effective, it felt very well scoped for a game jam. I liked your animations and player design. And the facts about the Berlin wall were quite informative. Overall good game.

This game had great visuals! Very well done on the art. The story felt a bit rushed but that's understandable in a game jam. I think the biggest thing that could help this game is some sort of highlight when you're near something you can click on, as sometimes that was a bit unclear. And maybe something that shows when a new scene is loading because there were some awkward pauses where I was just confused. But over all nice job!

Thanks for all the feedback! You make some great points and I would definitely consider a lot of this stuff in future games. Glad you enjoyed the game too! Seems like you played it quite thoroughly which I'm very happy to hear.

Glad you enjoyed it!

I look forward to the expansion, Good luck!

I see what you were trying to go for, but I feel like the game would be a lot more interesting if you could more clearly tie together the things you are finding with the guy you kill. When the player shoots the guy they have no clue who he is or why we are killing him. And we don't know what any of the hidden stuff we found did towards accomplishing the goal of killing him. I think the game just needs some more story to help tie everything together.

The game was definitely difficult like others have said, but I love the idea! I haven't seen any other games that play like this before, so congrats on the idea. The gameplay was definitely hard, but you could probably improve the speed of play and player engagement with some options like being able to deploy multiple planes, or letting the player decide when to deploy countermeasures. Overall, I think this is a great base that could definitely be built upon!

This game was a lot of fun. I was pretty bad at it, but it felt like it has a surprising amount of complexity for relatively simple input. The only change I would make is some way to speed up the part where it shows every country's drift 1 by 1. It was useful in the beginning, but by 30 years in it felt really long. But other than that, great work!

Thanks! I appreciate the feedback.

I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I definitely like the concept of this game, but the rocket was incredible difficult to control, and how to do stuff like land on the moon were pretty unclear. I think the game could probably benefit from some slightly more lenient physics and fuel that lasts more than 3 seconds. The audio (both the music and sound effects) were pretty jarring. Overall, I think you have a good idea here, but it definitely needs a lot of work.

Wow, great work on this game! It felt super polished and the levels were designed well. The visuals looked great and the music was really good too. This game was a ton of fun to play through, nice job!

This was legitimately my favorite game I've played in this jam! Super polished, both the shovel and the rifle felt great to use, and the digging mechanic felt great and strategically useful. The game looked and sounded great. Overall, fantastic work! If this game had a lot more levels I would definitely consider buying it.

This game definitely has great potential. The movement and shooting felt very good, and the visuals looked great. The game definitely encourage fast paced gameplay with the rapid shooting, but the fact that the player can die in one hit kind of contrasts that. I feel like the game would be better if either the shooting was slowed down to encourage more methodical gameplay, or the player given more health the encourage speedier gameplay. But regardless, the game was definitely a ton of fun, nice work!

Nice job! This game was definitely challenging but still felt fair. It was simple but definitely well polished mechanically, visually, and audio wise.  Overall, nice work!

This game was great! Loved the art, the music, the gameplay, and I loved their little wobbling movement animation. All around great game! Even the bugs were entertaining, mainly that the boss seemed unable to ever get out of the break room after he went in lol. Nice work!

Heads up, it seems some antivirus stuff flags this download. Beyond the normal "this file may contain a virus", windows defender straight up stops the download saying it's detected a trojan virus. Not sure if you can do anything to fix it, but it might be why your game doesn't have too many ratings.

This game was pretty fun and a had a lot of interesting mechanics I haven't seen before. I liked the having to type in actions to perform them, and I though the idea of having to do a task yourself if you did have any workman tokens was interesting. My one issue is I couldn't figure out how you get more workman tokens? But other than that this game was great. Very polished feeling and a very interesting concept. Great job!

Having to keep the balance instead of trying to win was a very interesting idea! I quite liked the idea of having to balance the power while only playing as one side. I thought the game was fun, and I think it could be improved greatly with just some simple UI changes to make it much clearer what is going on. But overall nice work.

(1 edit)

This game was a lot of fun! Felt very polished and the controls were very responsive. I thought the levels were well designed and the game as a whole was a ton of fun to play through. The pixel art looked good and I loved the music tracks. Nice job!

I did find a couple of them. I think putting collectibles like that is a good way to add more story to a game without out too much effort. Finding them all is also another optional goal for players. So if you liked putting them in I would say go for it on your other game.

The gameplay was really well done, I thought the puzzles had a very good difficulty curve. Gameplay wise, the only improvement I think is if you could stand on the pressure plate so you could see what it does. That said, other than the short spiel at the beginning, the game didn't really seem to follow the theme at all. But gameplay wise, great job!

I really loved the look of this game, it had a very nice aesthetic. The player was a bit difficult to control though and I had trouble telling when I was actually firing or not. I think this game could be a ton of fun with improved controls and some UI that lets the player know when they've done something. But this is definitely a great base to build upon!

I really loved the look of this game, it had a very nice aesthetic. The player was a bit difficult to control though and I had trouble telling when I was actually firing or not. I think this game could be a ton of fun with improved controls and some UI that lets the player know when they've done something. But this is definitely a great base to build upon!

This game was simple but fun. I thought it looked and sounded good as well. Echoing what someone else said, it might help to be clear that the player is supposed to try to go up at the start; on my first 2 attempts I tried to gently lower the bear.

Great job on this game, it was super well done! Great level of difficulty, every time I'd be about to give up I'd finally find something new. The puzzles were well done, the art looked great, and music/sfx were very well done. Great job!

I figured that was the case, but I could never afford good enough writers. Perhaps I was just unlucky, because on my 3 playthroughs my only hiring options on the first day were either less than 60$ or more than 100$, so I could never afford a good writer on the first day, and then could never make enough money to get a better one.

I like the aesthetic of the game, but I found the gameplay somewhat lacking. It seemed almost impossible to save up enough money to hire better writers, while the writers I could afford to hire failed more often than not, usually leading to a slow failure. The gameplay seemed interesting, but I think that the success/failure chances and the skill levels need some balancing. I loved the idea, but it just felt the only way to do well was to get lucky over and over again.

Thanks! I'm glad you enjoyed it!

I quite enjoyed this game! The gameplay was a lot of fun, and though simple I think the art and sound effects were solid and effective. The instructions were clear and easy to understand. The game felt quite polished, especially for a game jam game. Great job!

Echoing what some others have said here, I really liked the intro and the look of the game, but the movement was definitely too slow, even if it was realistic. I was also very unsure of where I was supposed to go. The world looked great, but being as big as it was, faster movement and some guidance would be helpful.

Like others have said, there wasn't much to the gameplay other than holding right and spamming shoot, but I'd like to say I quite liked the pixel art and sound effects. I think with just a few gameplay additions (maybe the ability to jump or dodge bullets, and maybe an ammo limit) this game could be quite fun.

This game is great! Super well made and polished. The pixel art and sound effects were super well done and satisfying, and I loved how every decision seemed to have dialogue written just for it. Well done!

I didn't finish it ultimately cause I just got lost and ended up back at the start somehow. Everything looked kind of the same so it was hard to tell whenever I was going a direction if I'd been there already or not.