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Cristina Ruiz

A member registered Oct 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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Hey FailCake,
Thanks for the feedback! much appreciated!
(Also thanks for reporting the bug, we will take note of it)

I didn't expect to find a point and click on this Game Jam!

Really interesting art style (personally love it) and the "keep or trash" mechanic made me think about the possible consequences a lot (maybe different endings?)

I wish there was a "help" button after a while trying to find the last/two last objects tho :( . 

The writing was really nice and have a good tone, but I wish there were a couple less of lines of text here and there.

Overall, good job!

I couldn't make it work :( 

It gets stuck on a static animation. Any suggestions? Would be really sad not to be available to play it. The art so far looks pretty nice :(

I'm really surprised and amazed by the mechanic. Probably the best mechanography game I ever played (and I played quite a few!).

Graphics, even simple,  are really efficient and feel like a conscious decision.  

Couldn't finish it, as I got stuck with the double red key on the words, but still enjoyed it a lot. 

Fantastic job!

I'm amazed by the amount of artwork and music you guys have produced in just 15 days!
Animations especially are really stylish and fluid.

I wish the first levels were easier and the difficulty upgraded through the levels, as well as sound and (bigger) visual feedback when you fail a key (easier to say than do tho). I think not having a "fail stage" is been a really good decision for this game too. As a player, you just want to see how the story keeps going!

I really-really enjoyed the mechanic of the 3 robots and how they complement each other. All of them with strong designs and cutie animations. 
Fantastic overall!

Thanks Lando!
Happy to see that the story hooked you!

Thank you! such an honor to remind to Nier Automata :D

Hey! Thanks for the comment +video!

what an awesome editing effort!

Never thought of this as “Narrative Interactive Cartoon”, but I think I will embrace it from now on.

Really happy to see that you enjoy it! Thank you!

Hey! thank you so much for the Gameplay! We are really happy that you enjoyed it! :D

This is impressive work for just one person and the level design is definitely outstanding. 

However, as there is a lot of re-use assets, I found myself coming back to the same spot on the map without being really aware of it. That could be easily fixed by adding some small decoration items here and there, that could help players identify their space around tho.

Overall, the game feels really alive and the thumbnail caught my eyes straight away... clearly, you got something powerful between your hands if you want to give it some extra time after the jam!

Really good looking game, with a super strong and consistent art style. 
The sound is quite nice as well.

From the very beginning, the quest is super clear and the gameplay/control feels ok too. 

Can't believe is just a one person gig (plus music). You should feel super proud of the game!

The only "critic" I have is that I got completely lost at some point and I couldn't finish the game. Also I think the thumbnail doesnt sell the game the full potential of the game experience. But thats really minour :) 

Not sure why, but I really like the lack of music in this game. The white noise really helps with the whole atmosphere.  Knife sounds were quite nice too.

I think there is some more work to do with the monster damage code, as after touching you once, they carry you around and don't damage you more unless you actually move (tiny things that could be easily solved if you ever come back to edit the game). 

I also would wish the space were more close to creating a more claustrophobic feeling that would have much lovely with the ambience sound!

Fantastic work with the animations btw! Everything feels really alive! 

I love "key following" games. 

You found a really nice cohesive mechanic between the original myth and the gameplay. That's always a win-win for me.

Good job!

I was quite curious about this game as I didn't know the myth behind it. Always nice when people go outside the classics. 

Controls were a bit weird as the perspective didn't match with the actual keys on the keyboard. 

Cohesive aesthetic and nice music. Just miss the map was a bit more full (or smaller!).

Good job!

I really like this game.

Really atmospheric and the mechanics resonate with what the story is trying to say. 

Nice art style, really nice music... What can I say? it's really nice in general! 

First thing I did after trying the game: check if anyone defeats the maze. Jesus is SO COMPLICATE IT!

I really like how you had been loyal to your "GB original idea", and how you had carried over. I missed some sounds (like when you attack) but, overall, really polish for a GameJam.

Good job!

I really like how the music grows along with your upgrades.

The UI is really-really clever and nice-looking, and you can learn how to play without any tutorials.

Really like the art style (with that clever pattern) and the small "gif" animations too. I miss a final big illustration as a reward for completing it tho.

The only sad thing is that if you "let the game be", it will finish by itself anyway so, there is no really a challenge to overcome :( . Could also be my jealousness speaking after finished it twice XD.

I know everyone is saying the same but... I really like the art style! Especially the animations of the sky and the sea. It's just impossible to ignore the originality and the quality behind them. 

I really like the right measurements of "water, heat and tired".  I was really looking forward to trying their limits but unfortunately with the current controllers is almost impossible. Nothing that can't be fixed with a small polish tho! all the quality stuff is there already.

Good job!

Zeus you filthy horny thing...

Really good job of investigation and writing.

Graphic Novels are one of those things that you have to "feel in the mood" but, if anyone is "in the mood"... this is definitely a fun one.

Really nice to see the mix between Pixel art and 2D too. I would have like to see the character with a couple of different expressions but I understand the time constriction of a GamJam.Good job!

Played start to finished. It a short and nice mini-game.

 I really liked the art style you guys have chosen for this. Make a sideway platform recycling the Egyptian papyrus is so obvious that I even feel jealous to didn't thought about it myself! Such a cohesive 1+1! I missed a bit of background decoration to polish that feeling, but I completely understand the GameJam limitation. 

Controllers were a bit slippy and I wish I could play without spamming the attack button but that are just details :) 

Good job!

I came here by my team-mate recommendation and I have 0 regrets.
There is something really clever about how the title joke is been carried over and how the levels slowly evolve. It takes me a bit to understand how to use the thunder power tho (wasn't sure which specific arrow/key was on my keyboard).
A lot of levels btw! Big job for a GameJam!

Thank you Wavemonade!

Maybe you are right and there are "too many controllers at the start". Maybe worthy to write down the controllers under the life-bar? 

Again, thank you so much for the big feedback. We really appreciated it and it will really help us if we finally decided to make the game a bit bigger :)

Thank you Levori!
Much appreciate the comment about the controllers. Sometimes you test the game that much that you lose the perception of this type of thing. We will keep it in mind!
And yes, we are aware that skeletons are a bit stupid sometimes. Something extra to work on :) 

Thank you SO MUCH for the comment! 
We are considering turning the game into something a bit bigger (I don't know, an hour adventure or something?) so feedback like yours is super helpful for future improvements!
The game hasn't got an ending yet. Hope we didn't have you walking around without knowing what else to do for too long  :( 
Thank you again!

this is by far my favourite game in all the Game Jam. It’s super original!  (And also looks fantastic ❤️).

Great job!

Probably one of the best games I tried so far!
Music, gameplay, theme related, control....Can't believe you guys did it in 48h! Amazing!

Super original idea!  Really well measured the weight and jump of the main character too. The music is super nice too. Good job!

OMG! This is really easy to catch and really fun! I just wish there was a "best score" when you lose to have a reference. I did 26 points!

Propper fun, propper related to the theme, and really nice animated. Can't ask for more!Good job!

Hei! Lovely artwork! (and music). I didn't manage to finish the computer puzzle. I'm a but trigger about it  :( 
Fantastic job for 48h!

Thank you so much! :D

Thank you Jess :)

Thank you Davide! Im really happy that you liked it!
We have indeed received few comments on collision error that we have to definitely polish :(  
I will also take a good note about the character/background contrast!

Thank you again! "Movie-like" feels like an amazing complement. We feel so flattered! :D

I was not planning to play any downloadable game as most of Mac builds really don't work but a friend highly recommended me to try this one and... oh my god. This is SO polish and high quality. 
Brilliant job guys. 

Love the art and the iconography. 

Love the music, 100% on point. 

Fantastic humor as well. Didn't expect it. Good job!

I like the sound environment but I feel that the control speed let the game down a bit as sometimes you just physically cant reach the other side of the screen. Something easy to fix though!

Never the less, really good one-man job! Be really proud! you manage to fulfilled graphics, sound and a quite clean programming! 

I love the animal approach and the idea of almost racing against your own-self. 
I can see this as a quite interesting 2 players game.

What was the point of the 3rd none workable character on each team btw?

Good team job guys!

Simple graphics but really functional overall. 
Remind me a bit to that "world war" fake twitter account. 

As Nobody:Interactive said, you could also end up with really funny results. 
Good job!