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(1 edit)

This is brutally difficult. I started having a hard time on level five. Skipped to level 20 out of curiosity and it literally looks impossible. Maybe I'm missing something or I'm just bad lol but this is the hardest game I've played so far this jam. Not necessarily a bad thing if that's what you're going for. I'm actually curious, have you beaten all the levels yourself?

I also agree with the comment below, hitboxes should generally be smaller than you'd think, just feels better for the player. That's what geometry dash does (a lot, at times it can even look like you're more inside of spikes than outside), if you've played that. Makes things a little less frustrating. It's also generally better to have the player move at faster speeds. Just feels more rewarding for our action-loving monkey brains.

But yeah, overall this is cool. Cool concept, good job. (can't rate bc didn't submit on this account, sorry, but would rate nicely if I could :) )

Yeah, I've beaten all the levels myself - at this point I can generally do 20 in a few attempts, but I spent a lot of hours just playing the game during development so I certainly wouldn't expect that from a first-time player. I think I made level 20 on day 3 and it took me several minutes to beat, which feels like a good length. My mistake was that as I improved over the rest of that day and the next day, I started finding the level too easy, so I decided to make it harder, not considering that it was already at a good difficulty for a beginner player.

Thanks for the comment!