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Fun Game, The Sounds are well choosen. The Graphics are really well done!

But Theme wise mhh the Teleport doesnt make any sense or has an real effect in the Game out of maybe saving you from bad Situations.

A Parallax Background would be interesting in the Game and give it a nice Touch i guess.

Overall good Work!

Nice score, glad you enjoy the game!

Thanks for the feedback, I agree the teleporting doesn't make a lot of realistic sense - I actually came up with the theme after I'd already come up with the core gameplay so it was sort of a separate consideration. Little hint regarding the teleport, it actually slows down the enemies and the enemy spawn rate temporarily. It's not explicitly mentioned in the game which makes it a little hidden, but it's hopefully the sort of thing a player would learn over time.

Will certainly look into a parallax as I haven't implemented one before - thanks for the suggestion.