Super rad game! I think I remember seeing the loot goblin character in the mini gam jam discord, so it's really cool to see what it turned into! The game balance and progression was really impressive. Art and music are top notch! So many clever designs are packed into this 5 day game! I tried coasting in the last level and rightfully died after not paying attention.
I'm always on the lookout for games that can make "degress to progress" work well. Like getting the player to willing give up something that makes them stronger for the sake of the story or the characters and not be upset about it. This totally nails that! I'm a goblin returning my loot to master, of course I gotta give it up! I didn't give it a second thought.
The characters were all unique and played important roles in the composition!
I couldn't find a stale moment in this game! Amazing job! - Josh