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A member registered Jan 21, 2021 · View creator page →

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I thought they were quite louder than other effects, especially when multiple of that sound played together on the wall jumps

Very cool game! Only issue I had was the volume of drinking the pickups especially when there were lots of them on a wall jump section

Also loved the end haha

Really good game! Impressive that this was done on just 4 days

Really cool concept and the art is quite good but the lack of depth perception makes it really hard

It is intended but we didn't end up having time to make levels that required you to do that, the closest to requiring it is the level before the last where you can complete it by dividing but it also has another solution that doesn't require it

The thing with those upgrades that cost soul is they also increase mana cost and most times I had to wait 4-5 seconds to cast a ~4 cost spell I had made and the offtime was just dodging being able to do nothing. And spells with lower damage or range weren't helping much at that point

Neat idea but enemies took way too long to die

Really good game! I loved the puzzles and the concept was great.

The game was playing on a very small window and I couldn't see enemies until they were right by my side but I did like the concept

Great idea, the spell building is a nice concept but I wish I could build better spells as I got through waves. It seemed like I didn't get many real upgrades, most of the level up stuff was only unlocking different ways of playing that I couldn't combine or create crazy stuff because mana regen was quite static throughout the game. I did see the mana regen option about twice in like twenty levels and it only increased it by very little it seemed, maybe you could have 2 rewards at each level? One for unlocking new spells and another for upgrading yourself (health, mana, etc.)?
Nice job overall though!

Quite interesting game and cool cutting mechanic but I didn't quite understand the logic of how the cutting direction changed with the mouse although cutting different ways didn't change much besides satisfaction factor

Gotta train for deathworld somehow

Cool game! It did seem to get easier towards the end because there was so much stuff you could hit one explosive and create a chain reaction that almost won the level for you but I guess that's about how those atoms go

(1 edit)

I thought about a downwards conveyor but then was planning on adding a funnel block that would drop the items precisely downwards because I did like the idea of falling items. Also I wish I could have made the item conveyor system not be purely physics based because that introduces a lot of bugs and unpredictability but a non physics system would be a bit more complex
I'm glad you liked it besides those bugs!

I liked the variety of movements the character has but his basic movement was way too slippery. Also there was a checkpoint in level 2 where you had to just wait for a platform that took a good few seconds to come so you could climb a wall

I really liked the UI work and the art style in general but the gameplay felt a bit simple and when you exited the upgrade menu it wasa difficult to keep up with what was happening before. Maybe if that screen was semi transparent it could be better

Very good game! I found that the size of the city starts going behind UI and maybe outside the screen when I got to later levels but it was great anyway

Really fun game! Did 3 runs and my high-score was round 18. I really think this could be developed more into a full luck be a landlord like game

Very nice and simple concept! I only think it would be more fun if red magnets destroyed themselves upon touching you so they don't get stuck due to your powerful magnetic attraction and low move speed (also if they got destroyed they could also deal a lot more damage per touch)
Overall it was pretty good and it was really satisfactory to blow up screen wide chains of magnets

Really cool concept and I like the 1-bit aesthetic, especially the end of level explosion! Though the movement felt a bit clunky sometimes, especially when going down slopes and you had to stop so you could jump

Neat idea! I do wish there were more house spawns or/and the house changed positions when destroyed. There could also be a counter for how many houses you burned down as some sort of score

(2 edits)

My intention was that you weren't supposed to just bob and weave through the enemies but yea, little time to test led to way too fast enemies. About the coming out of nowhere, they can come from the bottom of the map where red auras are so you should always defend downwards. I did plan to have a little cut-scene or explanation of that in game but again, time was short due to the complexity of this idea.
Glad you liked the idea!

Glad you liked the art, I was really proud of it. Also could you explain more what you didn't like about the controls so I could maybe improve it?

Thanks a ton! This jam I really wanted to focus on the juiciness of the game and was really happy with the results :)

Yea, I thought about changing the attack button from the mouse to 'k' or something like that when as I went to sleep last night. I have to agree, it's a bit of a weird button especially since you can accidentally click off the window.
The different difficulties for pushing the box from different directions is very intentional though. I like that it adds more complexity to the controls (top down vs platformer movement) and makes the player get close walls more frequently so the saw blades can attack and it makes so the player needs to get out of their comfort zone (the floor) from time to time since the ceiling is not only harder to get to but you also can't move on it while for the walls it's easier to get to but you keep sliding down while you are on it. I would actually get distracted while developing this just jumping around inside the box because I liked the double jump so much haha

Thanks! I actually ended up deciding to make it sort of hard so the play sessions would normally be short and people trying the game for the jam would be more enticed to play more rounds and try for a higher score

Really cute game, I love the art style and movement of the character. The game did start lagging a lot after playing with the beach ball for a bit, not sure why. Great job though!

The unique concept is great! I did wish it had some sounds for interactions and stuff and the drag and some levels like the last one had ways of beating them without using everything but overall it was pretty good.

The game is nice but the background parallax effect is going faster than the foreground and it makes me a bit ill. I think the backgrounds should be going by slower the further they are instead of faster.

Really cool game, I just wish there was some end goal at the bottom of the ocean or some way of knowing there is one in case I just didn't go deep enough.

It was a bit hard to move around the dungeon and the combat was a bit slow but only due to you dealing only 1 damage per attack (3 with a crit) and the enemy having 30 health. It was short but I love the style of everything and believe it has a lot of potential with more content and polish!

Glad you liked it!
True, there could have been more emphasis on the red key (that's what I call it though it isn't really a key) being completed. The design for that key was actually changed almost at the end of the jam since its first form was quite a bit more confusing. At first it was supposed to be only one key for the red door but later I decided to split it into 3 so there could be a bit more of a sense of progress towards the end goal and my first design didn't really work for the split key.
About the map, I designed it with a drawing and then built each room separately in Godot. The process was a bit weird since the top rooms are upside-down on the drawing and passages from one layer to another could be offset when the layers weren't aligned. I'm happy it all worked out in the end though.
Also I thought about adding a second song for when you got all the red pieces but I ended up separating the current song into 2 tracks: 1 that played all the time and another that only started when you started the game and then stopped on the ending sequence to give it a more dramatic effect and loop back to the menu smoothly.

Oh wow, really didn't think of that. I think I'll let that one in since its not game breaking but thanks for notifying me!

It took me a while to notice that I was taking damage for touching or grappling walls and it felt a bit weird but besides that it was alright.

Finished it in 167. The idea is interesting but the perspective killed me, at first I thought the rings were some sort of boost or target and couldn't even hit them if I tried to and when I did I discovered they weren't...

I thought about placing enemies in the game but in the end I decided to really just focus on the puzzle element especially because of time since I started late in the jam. Then having a boss wouldn't really make sense without introducing combat first so it ended up being just the dramatic end.

Glad you enjoyed the game!

I wish I could see a bit further down since when you start getting boosts you dig really fast and it can become difficult to dodge magma. I felt like the more I upgraded the more I started to die in the upper levels when magma starts. Besides that great game, quite addicting!

The height between fishes on most cases was pretty good. My issue was when there were groups of up to 5 that I found with absolutely no space between them, those were painful.

Really interesting twist in the theme, he enemies you face turning into allies was a great idea. Overall I felt it played a bit too slow and the audio would bug out sometimes and make an awful noise. Great job though!

Impressive visuals for a game made in a week! The gameplay was fun and the story was great, amazing job!