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Hello great game tried the demo, but really feeling the motion sickness. Any plans to work 90hz into the mix in order to combat this? Not to nit-pick...I.really don't ever get motion sick, so o thought I'd ask as others may be affected as well. Keep up the good work!

Per the dev logs, it is already 90hz on the quest 2.  If you are feeling motion sickness, it’s likely not the hz, its the fact you are in a plane going through all kinds of motion.  Until you are used to it, ensure you stick with the first two difficulties as they don’t allow loops and inverted flying (which should be easier on you).  As well, there are some really cool comfort options to help those with motion sickness issues, however I’m not sure if it’s in the demo.  Go ahead and have a look in the options. If it is there, I’m not certain if it’s as advanced as the current build (the previous version just made your POV smaller within a box, now it’s more dynamic).

Hope this helps


All comfort options are in the demo version. 

Multiplayer is also included in the demo version. 

90hz is implemented on Quest2 during the missions. In the base it is 72 hz but resolution is boosted to help with texts and pictures on the table.

thanks for the confirmation!

(1 edit)

Multiplayer is in the demo?  This needs to be communicated!  Reddit wise, I’m on it!

yes...thanks for the info! I will check out the settings

You can try looking at the point you are turning towards. I know this can be complicated in a dog fight. I know in real flying I had to do that til;l I got use to the motion with my head turning.

nice..thx for the tip. Will definitely give it a try

Try getting some Ginger supplements. I take them daily and can play on this game for hrs with no nausea. Must be them helping as i am an occasional player when it comes to VR. By that i mean i can play it a lot then just not bother for weeks on end and i do not get nausea when i return to it.

Arena should be pretty easy to handle, because it doesn't allow overly dizzying stunts. But I'd say try some comfort options.
Also It goes without saying to play it sitting down in a comfy chair and try resetting your position in the cockpit until its comfortable visually.
But it can be disorienting for sure.