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Hi folks,

I just wanted to let players know that unfortunately the sound in the operating room is not working. It is supposed to have a heart monitor that would flatline if the patient dies. Everything is still totally playable but it makes it difficult to know if you saved the patient or not. Hopefully you can still enjoy the experience. 




I loved the change between the hectic surgery room and chilling atmosphere in the bar!

The mechanic of changing tools by buttons took me a while to get used to, but then felt as a master chief, cutting open the war-torn grey mantis, sweeping the bacteria, and placing the organs inside.

(the room felt a bit empty without music, thanks for explaining it is a bug!)

1) To make it more exciting or to add anything more, have a look at other games in this Jam, "spam-clicks" to power a generator is a fitting mechanic I think for this style of gameplay.

2) If you are aiming to build more, I would suggest a small mini game in the bar might be nice. You have all these characters and the different leisure options, maybe a sort of "increasing how much an NPC likes you by doing activities with them". Since you already have such a cool dialogue system, you can show it there. 

(how did you do the dialogue system by the way? :D)

if you'll excuse me, I'll now go play cards with Prof. Pixel.


Thanks so much for such thoughtful feedback, I'm so glad you enjoyed playing. I think the "spam clicks" is a solid mechanic to explore. Also, I really dig the idea of having to win favor with the other surgeons and changing the dialogue based on how much they like you. We weren't sure how to gamify the lounge and that might be the way to go! 

The dialogue system we used was crazy easy but I think it might be problematic in a more complex game though it worked pretty well for us. Here was the process:

1) built an array with about 20 lines of dialogue

2)built a dialogue box that printed dialogue[dialogue_index] and was set to invisible

3)We then rigged up signals to a bunch of area 2ds so that the dialogue box would be set to visible

4)Each character randomly chooses their dialogue from the array. For instance Dr. one picks from dialogue lines 1-5, Dr. two picks from dialogue lines 6-10 etc. So everyone only has 5 potential things to say but it's a pretty large amount of combinations they can have as a group.

Hopefully I explained that okay?

Thanks again for powering through the games many glitches at the moment, it means a lot to us!

All the best,


That was fantastic! Thank you for explaining and pulling that off! It has indeed a feel of 2-in-1 games. I am to try out your suggestion for the dialogue system! (Really enjoyed your step by step explanation).

Thanks again!


Nothing makes losing a patient any easier...nothing. But that's why we became space surgeons, for the chance to give them time. Maybe its days, maybe its seconds. That's the surgeon's burden.

[Sadly sips martini]