We are making Gameplay Videos about the Games we played and Talk about while playing them, to give a Live Feedback while playing, which often is a bit Rough, but we found its a good Experience for the Developer to see the Good Parts and also the Problems in their Games.
Bananaz Split, The Graphics are Awesome, Sound is missing and would improve this Game so much.
Animations are also Great. The Game Idea is very Simple and reminds me of older Games i played when i was Young, so very Nostalgic.
The Jumping seems to be Bugged, The Big Ape automatic slaps enemies you get Close to not sure if this is intended but feel weird. Also if you go Down it feels sometimes it works sometimes its not working. Sometimes you just fall down.
There a lot of Bugs and Glitches in this Game. But its a good Work and there is so much more potential in this Game. Keep working on it and Improve it.
Health Bar and Loosing would be cool. More Levels, more enemies please.
We Would love to have your Feedback for our Game as well.
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Greetings from Stusse Games
Here an Addition:
Like in Many Other Games i played today again: I really dislike that you have to Press W for Jumping, that's a Movement Key in 99.9% Games and not for Picking Up stuff or doing Tricks or Jumping.
I always tell People Stick with the Usual Key Bindings which are used across almost all Polished Games.
WASD = Movement E = Pickup - F = Interaction - Space = Jump
Don't make Jumps on W in a Plattformer there is a Key called Space for this or a Mouse Button if you don't have Shooting.
Mixing this basic things up don't make u guys Innovative, it only makes People struggle through your Games and they getting Frustrated because they are not used to this Key binding.