Awesome! Thanks :) looking forward to another review when it's updated haha.
And thanks again for the feedback, we appreciate it! Helps us grow as developers and see things from a different perspective!
SnöBox Studio
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Thanks very much for playing and reviewing the game - we definitely ran out of time, hence the large amount of bugs and lack of sounds, but we might actually work things out and release as a full game!
I appreciate the feedback on the jump key being W and not space bar; the reason I used W instead of space was that originally, Billy (the big ape) was going to be controlled instead of having auto-attack, and spacebar was going to be his attack since it was very clumsy running around and trying to attack using another key at the same time. But when the game designer decided they wanted Billy to auto-attack, also since you can jump down from the top of the train cars with 'S', "W' seemed like the logical counterpart for jumping (and later climbing). Our vision too, for later in the game is that there will be poles you can climb on, therefore the jump/climb is kind of just his 'upward movement', like you said, it is a movement key in 99.9% of games xD
Knowing this ^^ does that change your opinion of 'W' being a bad jump key? Just curious as I am currently tinkering with it :D
Very fun game!! I love the rotation and the floaty bouncy character, very chill music and interesting gameplay! My only sad moments where when I jumped and accidentally wedged myself in a tight block of black that was but also wasn't full closed/connected. Maybe widening the collision boundaries on the black or offering a respawn button to zoop back to a previous teleport?
Great game though!
Hey there! I just played and reviewed your game and I'd love to know what you think of ours! We rushed things a little at the end, especially in terms of my programming and (non-existent) sound lol but we're open to feedback and criticism! :D
Edit: would help if I linked the game lol
Very cute! I loved the comic art and the music was sooo chill! But, somehow, two games in a row, I got the ball stuck up at the top... so the dog and I just sat staring at each other while the ball rolled back and forth between us xD there should maybe be a slight amount of gravity on the ball or a "bounce" mechanism off the top and bottom walls (sorry for the clumsy language - I'm really new at coding and haven't made a pong game before lol so I don't know what would need to be tweaked exactly).
All in all, I really enjoyed playing!
Thank you very much for playing and for your feedback! Adding enemy health indicators is a very good idea! Ideally it is meant to be a quick-paced game with the enemies only taking one or two hits... (and I didn't have quite enough time to finish the enemy animations lol as well as the sounds xD).. so the hit impact animation and death anims / sounds might make a healthbar unnecessary. But I will definitely try it out now lol.
Thank you very much for playing! And I agree xD something weird happened with the double jump.. it goes WAY too high sometimes right? I'm doing some bug hunting and polishing right now as we may release this for real after :D
And yes, we definitely forgot to allot time for sounds lol 7 days seems so short now!
Very interesting concept, I had no idea what I was doing or why, but I liked watching all of the dots move around xD the screenshot showed green bars, but I didn't see any when I played (loaded, played and reloaded 3 times just to be sure it wasn't a faulty load), but I totally get not having quite enough time lol we had the same issue. One other minor thing, which kind of ties into the green bars, this is a really cool start for a game which I think I'd play a lot - kind of like My Colony - but it definitely needs more UI. I kept forgetting which numbers corresponded to which buildings and had like 10 extra museums sitting off to the side lol. Great work, all in all!
Thank you very much for playing! We are planning on polishing the game up a bit for a formal release *fingers crossed* - and just so you know, there is a heath indicator in the bar on the top left (it says health : and then numbers) but maybe a bar or hearts would be more intuitive! I appreciate the feedback!