Thanks very much for playing and reviewing the game - we definitely ran out of time, hence the large amount of bugs and lack of sounds, but we might actually work things out and release as a full game!
I appreciate the feedback on the jump key being W and not space bar; the reason I used W instead of space was that originally, Billy (the big ape) was going to be controlled instead of having auto-attack, and spacebar was going to be his attack since it was very clumsy running around and trying to attack using another key at the same time. But when the game designer decided they wanted Billy to auto-attack, also since you can jump down from the top of the train cars with 'S', "W' seemed like the logical counterpart for jumping (and later climbing). Our vision too, for later in the game is that there will be poles you can climb on, therefore the jump/climb is kind of just his 'upward movement', like you said, it is a movement key in 99.9% of games xD
Knowing this ^^ does that change your opinion of 'W' being a bad jump key? Just curious as I am currently tinkering with it :D