Kinda fun!
I liked this a lot, but I have a few issues with movement.
- I know you are using Godot, so if this is a KinematicBody2D node for the player using move_and_slide(), so use if is_on_ceiling(): to make it so your velocity Y resets if you hit the roof.
- It feels better if you hit the ground faster than it takes to get up. Not realistic, but feels better. If done right, which I recommend putting gravity on a curve resource that gets higher. Good video about curves in games:
- It feels weird that you move much faster horizontally than vertically. Increased jump speed and gravity are what I recommend.And a visual tip: For shape graphics games like this, I recommend getting a good color palette and using bloom. A good bloom tutorial in Godot:
This is not bad for a first published game :)!