I play a thief. Not to steal (which seems like a 50/50 regardless) but so I can max my AGI, and wear down my foes with stability-damaging moves before dominating. Somehow, playing this way, I can remain an anal virgin unless I get a game over; and sometimes it straightup fails. However staying an anal virgin bars you from having the bow, so every encounter that I cant avoid fighting is quite a duel. I dont buy anything except food (which I wish was more accessible) and the occasional med supply to save on food. When I get into a fight, I start a chain of blocks and parries until the enemy is unstable, then I slide to knock them down. If I'm flaccid, this is my chance to face sit and get hard. Then I let em get up so I can work their HP down and drain their stamina.
And then I buttfuck em. Sometimes I do this many times in a loop so I can buttfuck em a lot. I really wish there was more art for topping, but I know what this game is about~