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I liked it! I really liked the art and animations, especially when you bring food back to the chef haha. Also the Duck-Duck-Moose implementation was fun. Short game and the controls felt mostly good. I think adding friction so you don't stop immediately when you let go of the run button might feel nice, but  it did not really make a big difference. The main thing I wish was in the game was an on screen indicator/counter that lets you know how many things you have eaten. Overall really good job!


Thank you for such a detailed comment! Perfecting the movement and how it correlates to the animations should have been one of my priorities, yet I just left it at that saying "I'll do it later" and never did hehe.

You are correct, the indicator would have been great, getting around the faulty animations that fail to load when you try to eat some things, as well as providing better feedback to the player.