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I think its good you always should try to imagine how much work someone put it. Not everyone is an expert game developer and makes ultra cool games in 3 hours. But I understand what you mean.

(1 edit)

On the other hand the harsh comment motivated me to ask if I can just upload a newer version...sure I am now way overtime with 4+ hours but now its closer to what I had intended - would greatly appreciate some feedback.


Sorry if I was harsh, rereading my comment I see how I could come off that way. I try to give honest feedback but there's a fine line between honesty and cruelty.

It's fine . I commented on it "just being snake" in my original description but I was just making excuses. There would have been no point to just present snake because I went out of time. Much better to invest a little more time to present something that is more interesting even if it means going on overtime. 

It's not about the ratings after all :)