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(1 edit) (+1)

Fun battle system! Visually beautiful, responsive controls, critical timing; a well balanced challenge that held my interest all the way through the final gauntlet to the end.

Your line "He drank no water or milk, only beer..." had me rolling, and the bar cutscene and room full of babies were also a hoot. 

As soon as the Title screen loaded I had a feeling I was in for an entertaining adventure, and wasn't disappointed. 

Nice job!

Edit: Just one small critique - some of the SE volumes (eg the animation sounds during battle) were loud compared to the BGM, so it took a little manual Options tweaking to normalize things. NBD, but thought I'd mention it.

Thanks for playing and for feedback! It's true I didn't check enough the SFX volume during battles compared to the music, I'll keep that in mind for next games.