Here's a fresh build of the digital version ahead of uploading. I've done a lot with the graphics and I think fixed up all the rule mistakes.
I made the other screens look closer to those last designs you made by adding the band of colour. Some still have my janky layouts, but I think there's a consistent aesthetic emerging. I've got to say, with your new title screen, the digital version looks really good.
I've added in more information about how the final score was calculated and a new screen that follows it with the appropriate rank and ending from the rulebook.
I think at this stage, I think it's probably safe enough to upload. Unless you find something glaringly wrong.
For the last day, I'd like to add some sound effects as a final touch of polish and then I'll upload it the page as long as you're happy with it.
Edit: I didn't get around to adding in the animated text messages, sorry. I may still attempt, but I don't know if I can do it properly with the time left.