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Hi Zakaria,

I'd like to hear your thoughts on my game, it's a 3D puzzle platformer crafted in Unreal Engine 4 featuring a 8h story. This is my solo project that started as a joke but turned into a full game with (deliberately questionable) voice acting, quality cinematics and animations, as well as full controller support. If you are interested I'll be happy to provide you with a review copy.

Hi there FunkyzeitGames,

Yes! sure I am down for the task.

To be honest, I normally go down the list and that is in order to be fair with everyone (I can't play all games in one day, I try my best to make one each day and this takes long to go through all the list) but I am willing to make an exception here! So let's do this!


Hi Zakaria,

Thank you for your reply, I have emailed you the Steam key couple of minutes ago. :)


Hi Zakaria


Since you like challenges I also invite you to try to finish the prologue on the demo of GrandMa Badass ...

and if you get there and want to play the sequel, well I'll give you a key for the episode 1 :)

GrandMa Badass is a 2D cartoon Point and Click

Hi there Adipson, I played your game and I must say I am impressed! Here is the gameplay review video, I managed to end the demo. Here are some notes too, it will be amazing if you can subscribe to my YouTube channel, I keep doing these reviews on regularly.

  • Most obvious issue is the resolution, but I am sure you guys will change that and add others in the future!
  • The game for sure is so good! I like that style and the story starts in a interesting way for a grandma.
  • I love the music background and all sound effects, especially the way the characters talks.
  • You might add hints from time to time (Switching the lights for example, it was so hard for me to discover it).

I found your game very fun to play and you were right! It is challenging, and I love challenges! I hope all the best for your game. If anything and there is more you want me to cover it up for you, just let me know.

Hey there FunkyzeitGames, I have recorded a gameplay review video that contains reviews, opinions, thoughts, first impressions and I have also kept some of the issues and problems that I faced purposely in order to help with the visual explanation. All together and I am sure you already know this about your game, the game is interesting and so good. This can with high chances lead to a part two. If possible from I could really need another subscription on my YouTube channel, it will help to motivate me to keep doing these gameplay reviews -it sure takes a lot of time and energy to make them ;)

  • As I starter, I would like to say that your game gave me a really good impression from the start and your voice acting is not bad at all. Well done! It is really fun to listen to it lol
  • From a gamer point of view, the game really needs an option of settings when pausing the game! This option of settings is to help change graphical settings and audio as well without going back to the main menu.
  • Inside the gameplay video you will notice that I complained a lot about the motion blur, I tried different graphical settings and it seemed it stayed the same, maybe add an option to deactivate it. Also mouse sensitivity option is required in such games.
  • I congratulate you for your work on the hints system and pausing the game in order to show new implantations of objects and items. It does help smooth the game a lot.
  • I have noticed in some occasions that the player slide inside the hitbox of some rocks, in case you can’t watch the entire video here is an example (minute 20:10 in the video).

Hi Zakaria,

Thank you for covering Converter on your Youtube channel and thank you for good overall impression. :) I am currently watching it right now as it came out in my subscription feed and I'm glad that you are planning a gameplay series. Regarding your comments:

-In game pause menu needs options: Absolutely correct. This is on my list to add along with the motion blur reduction. As much as I love cinematic feel the motion blur gives, I understand a lot of people aren't fans of it. Mouse sensitivity option is in the controls option though, I believe it's now called Mouse/Gamepad look sensitivity, at the bottom of the controls options menu.

-I have updated the hints system couple of days ago because some people complained that it's distracting and it suddenly pops up, so in recent update I relegated it to the optional hint circles you can walk into if you'd like more info. I am glad that you like it the way it was and I believe the current solution is the best of both worlds

-Sliding into the rocks is a framerate issue. I have tried to make the animation transitions as smooth as possible but at lower end PCs the smoothing of character's position can lag behind a bit, causing the character to sometimes clip into fast moving platforms. I will work on it to adjust it for lower end machines. In the meantime, please try lowering some of the graphical settings so your experience is as smooth as possible. I'd suggest lowering the draw distance to almost minimum and keeping the rest on high. Just to add, Chad settings are above Ultra and they are the most demanding.

Your feedback means a lot to me as it gives me clear directions how to update the game, so thank you very much again for it. I'll continue watching your video now for additional comments you might have had while recording it. Please enjoy the game, it is quite big for a solo project, but there is a lot of puzzles, interesting areas and other content as well. :)

Hi there FunkyzeitGames,

Without a doubt, your game is a massive project for only one person behind the scenes, I am really impressed of how much this game is good. And thank you so much for joining me through my journey of YouTube! I didn't know you are already in with us.

I have already managed to solve smoothing the gameplay and minimizing the motion blur by lowering the graphical settings, it has to be my PC because I am having 8 GB RAM installed but only 6 GB usable.

For the updates that you made, you must know that I already prepared some content for your game before your update, so you might see some stuff not change. I will make sure to focus on this upcoming video to help you make the game better.

One of my good traits is that I love to help, and this game seems great more than enough to be gaining help from all directions! All the best for Converter.

PS: I will post on your game page for the next upcoming gameplay reviews.