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This is an enjoyable little platformer with some very nice power-ups! I really liked the rain effect! Not sure if it served a mechanical purpose, but it added a nice little environmental extra that I appreciated. As for some of my other observations…

  1. The enemies don’t feel overly contained. I get a “Mario” enemy style from them, if that they’re left to wander and bounce off obstacles (such as walls), but, there’s not much containing them, so, they can fall off ledges and, more to the point, cluster all together after having all fallen to the bottom-most level. This is an issue as many times it almost felt like my entire path was wall to wall enemies. My thoughts here would be, either lock the enemy’s movement to a very contained area (from center can move left 100px and right 100px, as an example), block them in by walls (and give the player incentive to go INTO that area and risk the enemy), or, have pits at the bottom of the level that not only kills the player (resetting them), but does the same for enemies as well, helping to reduce the bunching… or a mix of all ideas.

  2. Made a bit more obvious from the first issue, the player has no period of invincibility when hurt. This is becomes an issue if the player falls into the gaggle of bunched up enemies as the player will have virtually no time to escape before they die. Even as little as half a second of invincibility would be enough to allow the player time to escape the dire circumstances.

  3. Not sure if this happened to any other players, but, once I had double jump, the game would often trigger a double jump on, what felt to me, like only a single key press. I’ll be honest, even a simple mechanic like this is tricky to get just right.

  4. I saw that you said you only had the last day to get the level together, and I’ve totally been there (in fact, even with my game, I only got the level together on the last day, and it shows). That said, I wasn’t always sure where I was supposed to go. I did find the end, so, I guess I figured it out, but it was all just luck… and I never found the sword :(

Over all, I think with just a few fixes in a couple places, you have a very solid platformer! Well done!!!

(1 edit)

Thank you for the feedback and for the streamed gameplay. Happy that you enjoyed it. Initially, the game idea was a combo-based hack 'n slash stealth game. The double jump and invincibility bugs are due to that fact. I rushed some trainwreck code in the last days in order to make something that represents a playable game. After the first idea was canceled, we thought a RPG-based game with stats and due to that the enemies would have free movement without falling off the level and they would eventually respawn, but the time was too little for the scope of our ideas. BTW, the sword was just underneath the checkpoint in the cave :D