Very cool idea for a game! The graphics are fun while simple. For as little as I got to try it, I did really enjoy the plate balancing mechanics. There were, however, a number of things that got in the way of me fully enjoying this little game.
For the life of me, I could not understand the leveling mechanics, even once I figured out how to level them. None of it seemed to help in the game itself. It’s very possible they DID effect the actual game, but with such a small window where I was actively balancing the plate, I couldn’t see the skills having any form of effect.
there seemed to be a bug where, if I ran too far off screen I wasn’t able to return to the screen to “escape”. This is true for both the main game, and the training room. When this happened, I had to reload the game.
When actually balancing the plats, I think there’s too much going on at once. Not only is there the falling sandbags, but also the tomatoes. If any one of those hit me or the plate, it’s instant fail. This is especially frustrating with the tomatoes as they’re flying in almost horizontally, so, even if I did move, there’s virtually no way to avoid them! I think there should be a very reduced number of hazards to have to worry about in the game. To have to manage all of them AND the plat right from the get-go is too much, in my humble opinion.
Like I said, I very much like the idea of this game, and, the few moments I DID get to balance the plate was fun, but I think there are a number of technical and design issues that just get in the way as it stands.